3 definitions found
From Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913) :

  Access \Ac*cess"\ (#; 277), n. [F. acc[`e]s, L. accessus, fr.
     accedere. See Accede.]
     1. A coming to, or near approach; admittance; admission;
        accessibility; as, to gain access to a prince.
              I did repel his letters, and denied His access to
              me.                                   --Shak.
     2. The means, place, or way by which a thing may be
        approached; passage way; as, the access is by a neck of
        land. ``All access was thronged.'' --Milton.
     3. Admission to sexual intercourse.
              During coverture, access of the husband shall be
              presumed, unless the contrary be shown.
     4. Increase by something added; addition; as, an access of
        territory. [In this sense accession is more generally
              I, from the influence of thy looks, receive Access
              in every virtue.                      --Milton.
     5. An onset, attack, or fit of disease.
              The first access looked like an apoplexy. --Burnet.
     6. A paroxysm; a fit of passion; an outburst; as, an access
        of fury. [A Gallicism]

From WordNet (r) 1.6 :

       n 1: the right to enter [syn: entree, admittance]
       2: the right to obtain or make use of or take advantage of
          something (as services or membership)
       3: a way of entering or leaving; "he took a wrong turn on the
          access to the bridge" [syn: approach]
       4: (computer science) the operation of reading or writing 
          stored information [syn: memory access]
       5: the act of approaching or entering; "he gained access to the
       v 1: obtain or retrieve from a storage device; as of information
            on a computer
       2: reach or gain access to [syn: get at]

From The Free On-line Dictionary of Computing (15Feb98) :

     1.  An English-like query language used in the
     Pick operating system.
     2.  Microsoft Access.
     (08 Nov 1994)